When I came in as new CEO to Bisnode in the beginning of 2012 we had 276 different brands in 19 countries. I realized that we had one common denominator in our group – all companies were dealing with data. We needed a fundamental shift in our setup to help our customers make smarter decisions based on all this data. That was the start for our journey towards one Bisnode, based an a strong conviction on what was best for our customers.
Now, more than ten years later, we see that global tech companies are enabling the same logic, that “it’s all about data…”. Today I read about how AWS is working closer to their former competitor Snowflake to bring more insights to their customers, acting as partners instead of competing.
Things are changing in the speed of lightning. Technology gets what it wants. And now with the cloud and generative AI things are evolving as never before.
How can we make sure that speed is our friend?
How will Boards and management deal with this revolution …? Do we need to change our strategy? How shall we organize our companies?
Never forget what Andry Grove told us: “Only that paranoid survives”