Happy New Year – We have a new and exciting year ahead of us, full of opportunities for learning and development.

In order to meet all the challenges that lie ahead, we need to seek the best possible dynamics and synergies with the people with whom we interact.

Let me therefore give you a clear piece of advice: “Ban politics and prestige”.

I am a believer in “the best idea wins”, and this means that I myself must always be prepared to let go of my own idea of what is right in favour of a colleague’s better idea.

When I arrived as the new CEO of the Nexus Group – Global , I gathered all the leaders from all countries in which we operated for a meeting. I gave a speech outlining some of my key principles for how we would work together to create the most effective collaboration possible. I then stopped in the middle of my speech to pass around a bin I had labelled “PRESTIGE”. I said, “If you have ‘prestige’ with you, throw it in the bin that is now being passed around – it has no place in our team.

Life is so much easier when you walk around with the will to constantly reassess your own attitudes in favor of something smarter…