In normal well-functioning companies with reasonably good development, managers need to use a kind of “normal management tools”.

When, as in my case being the CEO of Bisnode, you lead an extremely fragmented company that is to be built into one you need to use other methods and tools.

I have been interested in sports psychology for a long time because I realise that what often separates a winner from a fourth place finisher can be mental attitude. It is common for an athlete to visualise the feeling of standing at the top of the podium two years before the World Cup. This is to accustom the brain to that ambition and make you prepared to do what it takes to one day step on top of the podium.

With these insights in mind, I invited all the leaders in Bisnode to a gathering and a big kick-off for the big “remodelling project” we had ahead of us.

I gave a passionate speech about what we were going to do. And then – in front of everyone – I took off my jacket to put on a work overall. Wearing this new overall, I turned to my colleagues in the room and say “ok, now it’s time – let’s go!”. And then everyone in the room gets to put on overalls that is handed out. I informed that we will now wear these overalls throughout this conference to strengthen the feeling that “this is the moment it happens” .

To further prepare our leaders for the exciting journey we were about to embark on, I had invited my Chairman of the Board, Ingrid Engström, to give a talk on a theme taken from the book “Radical collaboration” – a perfectly chosen theme for the occasion! This also later became the basis for deep diving in future management meetings.

These were truly days where we all realised that we were facing something that was “going to be real”. To all of you who took part – thank you for standing the pressure and helping to make the change 🙏

Below is a picture where all Bisnode leaders are dressed in their new overalls. A powerful image from a powerful moment.