In my role as CEO of Bisnode, I had the privilege of being responsible for a business that operated in 19 countries. Being super interested in people and cultures, it was a goldmine of learning for me.
We had a strong presence in Eastern Europe, operating in nine countries. One day I received an invitation to meet the president of one of these countries. It was me and few other Swedish business leaders who were invited to this merting at one of Stockholm’s hotels.
The taxi arrived to pick me up from the Bisnode office. I jumped into the taxi for the journey to the hotel where the President was waiting. As I got into the car, I heard a strange sound “rrrriiiiiiiiiiittttsch”. I wondered where that sound was coming from. Suddenly I realized what had happened. My suit pants had split in the back… And not a little, but 25 centimeters! And in 30 minutes I would be sitting around a table talking to a president. 😱
Now good advice was expensive. When I arrived at the hotel, I run to the hotel reception. “Excuse me, do you have a sewing kit to lend me”. I was given a needle and some threads. I run down to the hotel’s restroom area. Took off my pants. I sat on a toilet chair in a stressed state and tried to apply what I learned in sewing class 40 years earlier . Several attempts failed and I ended up with one thread left in the wrong colour. Then I sew the pants together with what is probably one of the ugliest patches the world has ever seen. See attached photo evidence.
A few minutes before the deadline, I entered into the room where the President was to arrive. I nodded to the security guards as I followed the walls … I was the first to take a seat at the table, sat down quickly … and then conducted the meeting in an acceptable manner.
I have been brought up since childhood to never give up. This time I didn’t either …