The task that Ratos gave me when I was recruited as the new CEO of Bisnode. was crystal clear – ”Build ONE company!”
In a world where everything is going faster and faster, it is hard to overestimate the value of reducing complexity in an organisation, so this input value from Ratos was very relevant. The Bisnode Group needed to do something drastic to reduce it’s incredible complexity.
On the subject of complexity – let me give you some examples of the situation at Bisnode at that time:
* Operations in 19 countries
* Operating under 276 different brands
* More than 800 product offerings, of which many were overlapping
* In Sweden, we had 19 different VPN solutions
* In Stockholm we had 14 different offices
Under the leadership of my predecessor, Johan Wall, the group had already started to search for economies of scale. Now it was time for me to pick up where Johan left off, and to accelerate the pace of implementation.
I have always based my decisions on what is good for the customer.This time was no exception. I was convinced that by working together across Europe, our ability to extract insights from our vast amounts of data would increase.
We started by launching a new mission: Our goal was ”to help our customers make smarter decisions”. We would go from 276 brands to… 1. And we should do it fast…
Thanks to a dedicated and hard working team around me, we managed to complete the project from start to finish in six months! I travelled to all our countries and attended in many launch events. And by the time all the countries had rebranded and we could start to act and work in a new way, we had created a new platform for innovation and customer value.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible! Did we possibly break a world record…?
Below is a film from one of the activities we did to establish Bisnode internally. Here we show how we built a human Bisnode logo with our own employees.