In a couple of stories I have told you how we methodically worked to sort out the security company Nexus Group to set the company in the right strategic position to be a future winner.

I have also told you how I had great help from Jonas Dahlberg with the initial rough sorting of all the offerings and technologies that the company had.

Nexus had a large group of qualified developers and we came to a point where we realised that at the top of our wish list was a really qualified development manager with a deep technological understanding.

One day Jonas said to me, “Lars, I’m fast. But I know someone who is even faster. He has also worked in Silicon Valley and has a solid foundation of technological know-how”.

The person Jonas was talking about was Magnus Malmström. Magnus was working within the Assa Abloy Group at the time.

I got Magnus’ details and contacted him. I offered Magnus the chance to join us and to make a difference and be part of an exciting journey. I offered him the opportunity to work with large mandates of his own, that prestige and politics were forbidden and that we saw great potential in our core offering based on our why – “securing society by enabling trusted identities”.

Magnus and I had many discussions. I pushed Magnus harder and harder to get an answer, and a few days before Easter, Magnus said “you will be notified on Friday” (Long Friday).

It was a nervous wait for Magnus’ reply. Friday came. I was on pins and needles. No news. On Easter Saturday I called Magnus to find out – then Magnus said “OK, I’ll come…”.

I was so happy to get this positive news. I was snowmobiling in the woods in northern Sweden when I had this conversation with Magnus. The variator belt broke in the middle of the forest on the way home, but even that couldn’t dampen my joy…

And as everyone knows – people make a difference.

More on this in future stories