Lars Pettersson Management

Strategic Business Advisor & Change Management Partner

“Every leader should have their own trusted advisor…” 

After more than 30 years as a CEO, my focus today is entirely on helping other business leaders and owners to be successful.

I see daily the value of being able to act as an trusted advisor, close enough to understand the business but still at arm’s length
to be able to maintain an outsider’s perspective.

Do you want to turbocharge your own development – contact me.

/Lars Pettersson

Do you want to get to know me a little more? Then listen to this podcast:




Time to upgrade to Lars 2.0

Time to upgrade to Lars 2.0

After many years of hard work to put Nexus in order and to prepare the company for the future, I more and more often came to think about the advise from Henrik Engsner from 2014...

How can I help you?